West Sussex Connect Service
Connect incorporates learning from national research, extensive scoping and consultations with specialist services, practitioners, and—crucially– experts with lived experience of domestic abuse.
The Connect Service aims to fill identified gaps in service provision, helping to provide a ‘one front door’ access to domestic abuse support.
This is a truly collaborative, multi-agency response dedicated to improving the safety and wellbeing of women, men, and children whilst recognising each person as an individual, tailoring support to meet their needs and allowing their voice to be heard.
Connect is a coordinated and multi-agency approach led by a skilled team who deliver targeted support to individuals, children and families who are experiencing domestic abuse. In addition they provide victims with online support, a therapeutic approach and funding for practical support. They are driven forward by survivor-led service review and improvement.
What they provide:
- Support to stop abuse escalating
- Support for complex needs caused or exacerbated by domestic abuse, such as substance misuse and mental ill health
- Support for those in a relationship with or living with the perpetrator of abuse
- Support for children and young people through specialist, age-appropriate services
- Support for survivors to recover from harm, heal, and build their resilience