
This site, developed by the Police & Crime Commissioner for Sussex, provides an online directory of local victim and witness specialist support services as well as information about different types of crime and what happens at each stage of the criminal justice system, helping to 'demystify' the process for people when they may be at their most vulnerable.

The site has been built in close consultation with local victims' services and follows extensive user testing with victims to ensure it meets their needs, whatever stage they have reached in their recovery. Some users may not have reported the crime to the police, some may not even identify that they have been a victim of crime. Regardless of the circumstances, Safe Space Sussex provides a secure environment where, at the click of a button, people can find out what local help and support is available to them.

To find out more about the Police & Crime Commissioner and her work please visit her website.  

If you have any feedback about this site, please email safespacesussex@sussex-pcc.gov.uk

If you have a complaint against an organisation listed on this site, please contact the service directly as per their individual complaints policy. 


Live Chat

The live chat is powered by Victim Support and will connect you directly to one of their trained caseworkers. It is a free, confidential service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The caseworkers can listen to you, explain your rights and options and talk to you about further support. It is not designed to be an ongoing support option but can help you start your support journey. You can find out more about Victim Supports Live Chat on their website.

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