The Esther Project
The Esther Project offers free tailored practical and emotional support to self-identifying women in the sex industry and victims of sexual exploitation and coercion, across coastal West Sussex.
Their offer includes 1:1 listening support, safety planning, sexual health information and advice, signposting to other specialist services as well as free well-being packs, food/toiletry parcels and supermarket vouchers. They provide extensive exit support including help with: finding affordable housing, benefits applications, immigration issues, debt relief, job applications, work experience and access to education.
They offer training to front line professionals/service providers who support women who sell or exchange sex. Training includes an overview of the outreach service, the reasons why people might sell or exchange sex, risks, signs, communication - how to talk about it and help women stay safer.
The Esther Project is run by the charity Yada, meaning ‘to be known’, which works to prevent sexual exploitation.

- 09:00 to 16:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Pilgrim House,
51-63 St Dunstan's Road
West Sussex
BN13 1AA